Art as Research talk with Laura Summer, Nathaniel Williams, Michael Howard

Описание к видео Art as Research talk with Laura Summer, Nathaniel Williams, Michael Howard

Artistic Research/Research as Art Moving Images in a Time of Fear
Saturday, November 26th from 2-4 pm
Lightforms Art Center
743 Columbia St, Hudson, NY 12534 Suggested contribution $10
We live in a time of unprecedented outer challenges that reveal an inner need to develop new capacities as individuals and to work on society as a whole. What are these qualities and capacities? Can art play a role in developing them? Can art midwife mobile thinking in the place of hardened and mechanistic thinking; inner freedom as well as outer freedom; empathy as well as self-assertion?
Join three artists Laura Summer, Nathaniel Williams and Michael Howard for short participatory presentations and a discussion on these themes.
This event is one of a series at Lightforms Art Center where sketches from an art project entitled “The Metamorphosis of Fear”, conceived over a century ago, involving Jan Stuten and Rudolf Steiner, will be on display. This exhibition is arranged in collaboration with Gary Lamb and the Center for Social Research. Events include three performances directed by artists Nathaniel Williams and composer Don Jamison involving new instruments for live motion pictures and original choral compositions.


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