you're playing Saryn wrong (full guide, builds, hot takes, and proof)

Описание к видео you're playing Saryn wrong (full guide, builds, hot takes, and proof)

(sort of clickbait title, I'm not the fun police, play however you want)
(but also fight me in the comments 😈)

btw here are some more well-organized text versions of just the build guides:

sorry this vid is so awful, but I just had to get it out there

0:00 Intro
1:45 how Spores work
8:55 Spore strength snapshotting mechanics (IMPORTANT)
11:50 Spore strength snapshotting demo/proof + Gloomtank build preview
13:56 snapshot demo begins proper
16:51 sort of mentioning Molt
17:13 Toxic Lash talk + grimoire synergy bug demo
18:59 Venom Dose (hater talk)
19:31 Miasma talk (conditional stun demo)
21:27 Miasma talk (low level nuking)
23:02 Miasma talk (spore spreading)
23:46 Miasma talk (viral procs)
24:00 Saryn's passive talk
24:29 Miasma talk (viral procs, resumed)
25:06 awkward conclusion to explaining her abilities
25:30 common misconceptions section intro
25:55 common misconception #1: Saryn weapon builds are good
27:04 extremely cringe attempt at explaining the Sobek/Acid Shells
27:55 comparing Acid Shells blast radius to spore spread radius
28:26 "bUt SpOrEs HaVe tO sLoWlY rAmP!" strawman
29:53 Sobek demo with/without spore armor strip
31:06 common misconception #2: Miasma is a good helminth candidate
33:07 "bUt YoU cAn JuSt UsE tOxIc LaSh" strawman
35:00 build part intro
35:17 Archon shard talk (14 stack corrosive)
35:38 Archon shard talk (merits of 13 stack corrosive)
37:26 Archon shard talk (I used to use strength shards)
37:44 Archon shard talk (+ability damage on corroded enemies)
39:19 Archon shard talk (cast speed)
40:30 Gloomtank build talk (seismic bond)
42:07 Gloomtank build talk (mod slots)
43:30 vouching for Revealing Spores augment
44:35 Gloomtank build talk (no PSF?)
45:17 Gloomtank build talk (oh yeah I should mention the lifesteal)
45:40 Gloomtank build talk (arcane choices)
47:28 Gloomtank build talk (summing it up)
47:45 Gloomtank build talk (downsides/disadvantages)
52:27 Gloomtank build talk (shard flexibility advantage)
52:45 Shieldgate build talk (nourish over roar?)
53:37 Shieldgate build talk (low efficiency for shield gating)
53:55 Shieldgate build talk (energy regen grimoire)
54:22 Shieldgate build talk (comparison to gloomtank build)
56:22 Shieldgate build talk (shield gate mechanics)
57:52 shitty Sobek build, shitty demo
1:01:08 Gloomtank build demo
1:08:00 Equipping Shieldgate build
1:08:13 Gloomtank companion choice notes
1:08:35 Shieldgate build demo
1:14:55 low-level miasma spam build
1:17:01 ok bye


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