Free Parking! - Black Hole

Описание к видео Free Parking! - Black Hole

The first song we are releasing off the new remastered album "Asuka Re(build)". Hope you enjoy!

Track 10 on Asuka Re(build)

Will be available for free download on December 4th here:

In my youth, I was promised life of adventure
Played as Link, Master Chief, and I saved Spira
Got the keyblade and killed Metal Gear
But in high school I just killed time

Life goes on and you learn how to accept it
Get a job, study hard, pick a career and
Race right to the finish line
Where those promises go to die, in time

Ooooo. Oh no...
Ooooo. Oh no!
Disappointment starts to take its toll
I wasn’t born to die in a black hole
I promise you

Later on, I would learn I was no different
There’s no town waiting for a verbose redhead
To appear with a sword in hand
And a heroine at his side

But it’s really okay. It’s really okay!
I’ve learned to treasure my hourly wage
If I get killed, I can’t load up a save!
I’m not the ‘hero’ type

Ooooo. Oh no...
Ooooo. I’ll grow old
Disappointment starts to take its toll
I wasn’t born to die in a black hole
I promise you

The truth is I’m nothing, I am a coward
I don’t leave my dorm room unless I have showered
I don’t smoke or drink, I don’t go to parties
I lock my door and I stay inside

I miss when I was a child and my whole life was ahead of me
I realize I’m young, I’ll learn to have fun
But till then I will soak in misery

Disappointment starts to take its toll
I wasn’t born to live in a black hole
But I do


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