Fish of the Congo Rapids: Part 1

Описание к видео Fish of the Congo Rapids: Part 1

The rapids of the Congo river are home to a unique fish fauna, adapted to live in the fast flowing water. Narrow horizontal crevices are home to a unique community of highly specialized fishes. Watch Part 1, showing fish species in the shallow rapids. Part 2 will be released soon showing the deep water species.

00:00 Introduction, Congo River Rapids
01:20 Congo river of rapids - map
01:38 Congo tetra, Phenacogrammus interruptus
01:59 habitat of buffalo head cichlids , Steatocranus casuarius, tinanti
03:09 habitat of Garra congica , congo algae eater
03:50 habitat of Teleogramma brichardi in nature
04:44 habitat of Teleogramma depressa in nature
06:17 habitat of Congo river crab, Erimetopus brazzae

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