Memorial Day Facts For Kids / What is it? Why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day

Описание к видео Memorial Day Facts For Kids / What is it? Why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day

Hey kids ! Welcome to another Learning is Fun with Geni video . This video is all about Memorial Day facts for kids . You will learn what Memorial Day is, and why we celebrate it ?

*Memorial Day is a day to honor and remember all the men and women who died fighting for our country.

It is Celebrated every year on the last Monday of the month of May

Originally it was know as Decoration Day

May 30th 1868 was the first service to honor fallen soldiers at the Arlington National Cemetery.

Decoration Day originally only honored the fallen soldiers of the Civil War .

The Red Poppy is the official flower of Memorial Day !

Memorial Day means the beginning of summer, even though summer isn’t until June 20th

Schools, Post Offices and Banks are closed on Memorial Day .

I hope you understand more about Memorial Day after watching this video !

#MemorialDay #WhatisMemorialDay #MemorialDayfactsforkids #DecorationDay #MemorialDayHistory


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