Mes élèves ont le niveau A2 en Terminale

Описание к видео Mes élèves ont le niveau A2 en Terminale

Voici le même texte que l'on fait passer de A2 à B1:
Production écrite niveau A2 :
Emma Gonzalez is an American teen activist, she was born on November 11, 1999. She survived a shooting in her school in Parkland, Florida, in February 2018. 17 of her friends died that day, 15 were injured. She made a speech one month later, it was a very poignant speech. She wanted to pay tribute to her friends with minutes of silence. She is now committed in the fight for gun control in the United States. She thinks without guns, this would not have happened.

Production écrite niveau B1 :
Emma Gonzalez is an American teen activist, she was born on November 11, 1999.
Firstly, she survived a shooting in her school in Parkland, Florida, in February 2018. On that day, 17 of her friends died and 15 were injured.
Secondly, she made a speech one month later. It was a very moving and poignant speech because she wanted to pay tribute to her friends with minutes of silence.
Thirdly, she is now committed in the fight for gun control in the United States. So, she thinks without guns, this would not have happened.
Finally, in my opinion Emma Gonzalez is very brave and her speech was powerful. Moreover, I think the fight for gun control in the USA is very important.

Vous pouvez mettre
en rouge les mots de liaison et mettre en bleu les mots exprimant une opinion (expression, adjectif) afin de bien souligner les attentes et les différences.

Voici le lien pour speed Reading:
   • Qu'est-ce que le speed reading?  

Quelques autres ressources:
Une vidéo où vous trouverez dans l'encart en-dessous des exemples de production écrite en anglais et vous pouvez demander aux élèves de les regarder ainsi ue les commentaires pour mieux comprendre le niveau à atteindre:
   • Le niveau B1 en expression écrite  

Le lien vers la liste de vocabulaire A2 dans l'ordre alphabétique et par thème:
(au cas où le lien ne fonctionnerait pas, tapez dans le moteur de recherche:"Cambridge English exams list vocabulary A2" et vous trouverez facilement).

Practice A2 with the British Council:


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