Описание к видео NVG MAN CARD DRILL

The Man Card Drill is NOT a true depiction of your skill set & abilities. It serves as a cold start drill, to show you whether or not here, today and now you were able executed the fundamentals of marksmanship on demand, with the pressure of others watching you within the timeframe that is allowed. I explain this to students prior to running the Man Card Drill so that if or when they fail, they do not get down on themselves & have a poor attitude the rest of the day. Over the years of running this drill I have seen those who allow failure to have power over them placing a level of performance anxiety on top of their shoulders clouding their judgment. NEVER allow “failure” to keep you from learning. Although easy advice to read I understand it’s hard to implement in the moment.

So my advice, just breathe & focus on the execution of the fundamentals and mechanics required. If and when things go wrong diagnose them, don’t focus on the negative. Reframe it immediately & NEVER QUIT.

“MAN CARD” Drill starts off with C-zone size steel or you can use a clean IPSC target and only count the C-zone hits.

Distance: 25yrds

Target: C-zone steel or IPSC C-zone.

Ammo/Equipment: Par-timer, 1 Full pistol Mag, 1 Full Rifle Mag & 1 Empty Rifle Mag to set up the Transition from Rifle to Pistol.

Course of fire: (short card)
1 round Pistol from compressed ready. Par time 1 sec.
1 round Pistol from holster. Par time 1.5 sec.

1 round Rifle from low ready. Par time 1 sec. (45* downward cover)
1 round Rifle from high ready. Par time 1 sec. (out of shoulder)

1 round Rifle from either ready position, transition to pistol, 1 round Pistol. Par time 2.5 sec.

All hits must be recorded. You can limit attempts to 2 or for standard only give each shooter 1 chance. Again this is normally shot from a cold shooter status.

Any shots out of the C-zone = failure
Any shots over time = failure.
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