Learn to host a website with a domain name and SSL freely using 000webhost, Freenom and CloudFlare

Описание к видео Learn to host a website with a domain name and SSL freely using 000webhost, Freenom and CloudFlare

The proper way to host a website, with a domain name and SSL Certificate (HTTPS), freely using 000webhost, Freenom, and CloudFlare.

1. 000webhost: https://www.000webhost.com/

2. Freenom: https://www.freenom.com/

3. CloudFlare: https://www.cloudflare.com/

5. How to renew your Freenom domain:    • Freenom domain renewal [before the se...  

Additional help
If you met this error, "We were unable to verify you as a human, please try again later." repeat the step until it works.

Used Music

Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

1. Eternal Night

Link:    • Cyberpunk Dark Synthwave - Eternal Ni...  

2. The Taste of Blood

Link:    • Cyberpunk Dark Synthwave - The Taste ...  

3. New Beginnings

Link:    • Cyberpunk Synthwave - New Beginnings ...  


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