Woodturning - Bloodwood & Ambrosia Maple Cube

Описание к видео Woodturning - Bloodwood & Ambrosia Maple Cube

This started out as a simple woodturning project: I was just going to make a bowl out of this Bloodwood blank. I haven’t turned anything with Bloodwood, so I was going to keep it basic to get a feel for the wood, but then I thought, “Nah.” I glued a couple of pieces of Ambrosia Maple to the side, making a cube and then used traditional woodturning techniques to round it up into a hollowform vase.

Turns out Bloodwood is a really nice wood…tight grain, nice classic figuring, sands up real nice. I like the contrast it made with the Ambrosian Maple.

Many of my pieces are for sale at my Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/caswoodcraft


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