A Country with Two Capitals

Описание к видео A Country with Two Capitals

Honestly, before today, I never even knew...or thought about the fact that a country could have more than one capital...

After learning that Bolivia has two...I also learned that it's not the only one...in fact, Chile, which I have visited in the past, some argue that Valparaiso should be the capital too, not just Santiago? Is that right and how did I not know that?!

At the Sucre airport, arrivals are welcomed with a sign stating, "Welcome to the Capital of Bolivia." On a more serious note, the Bolivian Constitution still states Sucre as the official capital. Yet many other countries and bodies consider La Paz the capital. Yes fun facts, but I was also surprised to learn that it's more than just an opinion here...it's led to a lot of political strife, protests in the streets, and some even fear they may turn violent. Bolivia has an complex history; civil and political turmoil has been a huge factor leading up to the two-capital situation today. Capitals hold a lot of power, where that power sits can bare big change, which is why it can be a subject with strong opinions.

What do you think? Would you say two capitals are okay...work just as well as one? Yes or no? Why? Do you think La Paz or Sucre is the capital of Bolivia?

That's all for now – like Neng Now on facebook and instagram :)


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