🛒【必吃家常小菜】欖菜肉鬆四季豆 Stir-fried Minced Pork with Olive Vegetables and Green Beans [中/英/印 Subtitle]

Описание к видео 🛒【必吃家常小菜】欖菜肉鬆四季豆 Stir-fried Minced Pork with Olive Vegetables and Green Beans [中/英/印 Subtitle]

欖菜肉鬆四季豆 / 榄菜肉松四季豆 / Stir-fried Minced Pork with Olive Vegetables and Green Beans / Tumis Daging Babi Cincang dengan Sayuran Zaitun dan Buncis

豬肉碎/Minced pork/Daging babi cincang 300克/g
四季豆/Green beans/Buncis 2包括/pack/bungkus
榨菜/Mustard Tuber/Zhaicai 1包括/pack/bungkus
欖菜/榄菜/Olive vegetables/Sayur zaitun 1/4樽/bottle/botol
蒜蓉/蒜蓉/Minced garlic/Bawang putih cincang 1湯匙/tablespoon/sendok makan
糖/Sugar/Gula 1茶匙/teaspoon/sendok teh
鹽/盐/Salt/Garam 1茶匙/teaspoon/sendok teh
雞粉/鸡粉/Chicken bouillon powder/Kaldu ayam bubuk 1茶匙/teaspoon/sendok teh
生粉/淀粉/Corn starch 1茶匙/teaspoon/sendok teh
胡椒粉/Pepper powder/Lada bubuk 少許/少许/a little bit/sejumput
生抽醬油/Soy sauce/Kecap 1湯匙/tablespoon/sendok makan
中式料理酒/Chinese cooking wine/Arak Beras Cina 1/2蓋/1/2盖/1/2cap/1/2tutup botol
麻油/Sesame oil/Minyak wijen 2茶匙/teaspoon/sendok teh

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#欖菜肉鬆四季豆 #Stir-fried Minced Pork with Olive Vegetables and Green Beans #學煮中菜 #ChineseCooking #MasakanCina


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