How to Woodburn Eagle Wings

Описание к видео How to Woodburn Eagle Wings

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In this video I share with you how to woodburn an eagle. This second of two videos covers burning the feathers into the wing area using my smudge burning technique to easily create realism.
The reason this is important is because creating detail in an area that is dark can be a challenge. With pyrography you can use both value and texture to create a realistic burning.


Hi this is Sharon. This video is a sampler for one of my workbook projects and share with you how to woodburn an eagle, enjoy!
In this video I’m going to show you how to fill in the feathers on the eagle’s wings. As you can see I’m using my smudge technique which consists of using a shader on very high heat and dragging on the wood in order to get a dark tip and a lighter base. As you can see the base is a little lighter which gives the impression of individual feathers blending into one another. It’s a nice effect.
As you do the smudge you want to be sure you are watching the position of the feathers and the values of the eagle feathers and size as you see these feathers are much larger than the previous feathers. At times I will need to go over this with my woodburning pen more than once in order to create the values and the look and size of the eagle feathers.
Take your time and be careful. Remember to let the heat of your woodburning pen do the work. You don’t want to apply too much pressure.
In woodburning the primaries, because they are such long eagle feathers I slow way down. See how long it takes me to burn this. Don’t overdo the heat here. There is a temptation to woodburn and overdo the heat, if you do that you will torch the wood and you will not get a good effect. So simply use patience and take your time as you come into this section and burn these longer eagle feathers.
See how long this is taking? And my heat is up very high. Also watch your pressure, you don’t want to overdo your pressure. As I work into the larger eagle feathers, again I’m still on the primaries I’ll add a little bit of detail. Now this is going to depend on the size of your burning. A small woodburning will not show much detail but a larger woodburning can have a little bit more detail added to it.
As you can see here I’m adding a little bit of texture. Again, slow it way way down and take your time.
As you move into the secondaries and other eagle feathers that are not as large as the primaries you will still have long feathers but you won’t have as much detail in here. Follow the pattern and be sure you are woodburning the eagle feathers where they need to go. And that the length is what it needs to be.
Also watch how I’m allowing there to be a little bit of white space at the very end. I’ll come back and clean that up later but that white is going to give me that definition. So at this point I don’t worry too much about it being too white.
I’m watching where I’m putting the burns, my length, and also the size. I also have to be careful that I don’t have rows here that it looks nice and staggered. We don’t want it to look mechanical, we want it to look natural.


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