What is a Bequest?

Описание к видео What is a Bequest?

A bequest is one of those legal terms that come up in a lot of consultations with prospective clients. It’s a common term that is used in a will or trust. But when you try to create your own document on a website, you may see it populate in your document without any explanation. Prospective clients who have done a little homework before our first meeting often ask about “bequests” and how they work. As with the other parts of your will or trust, it doesn’t have to be intimidating. With a short discussion with your attorney, you’ll be able to drop the word into casual conversation like a lawyer…

If you’d like the Merriam Webster definition:

1 : the act of giving or leaving something by will : the act of bequeathing

2 : something given or left by will or transmitted from the past : something bequeathed

When it comes to your will or trust, there are two types you should know about.

If it's time to create an estate plan or update the one you've already got, let's set up a Legal Strategy Session to discuss the best option for you and your legacy: https://www.andrewmayers.com/reports/...

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