Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on the Future of Anesthesia

Описание к видео Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on the Future of Anesthesia

Grand Round.Tuesday 2 April 2024
Laeequa Qazi, MD
The field of anesthesia is starting to see some interesting applications of
artificial intelligence (AI). While not yet mainstream, here are some potential
 Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring: AI can analyze EEG signals to assess a
patient's level of consciousness during surgery. This could be even more
accurate than the current BIS index.
 Personalized Medicine: AI algorithms can analyze a patient's medical history
and other data to predict their response to anesthesia. This can help tailor the
anesthetic regimen for optimal results and minimize risks.
 Decision Support Systems: AI-powered tools can assist anesthesiologists in
making real-time decisions during surgery. By considering factors like vital
signs, medication effects, and patient history, these systems could provide
recommendations for medication adjustments or interventions.
It's important to note that AI in ophthalmic anesthesia is still under
development. More research is needed to validate its effectiveness and safety
before widespread adoption.


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