Ann M. Wolf, Flag- Folding Ceremony - Meaning of each fold

Описание к видео Ann M. Wolf, Flag- Folding Ceremony - Meaning of each fold

DEDICATION: Dedicated to Honor Guards & our Fallen from across America, as well as to all patriots who keep our Veterans, 1st-Responders (& families) in their hearts.

THIS VERSION: This film expresses one interpretation of the purpose & meaning of each phase of the "Flag Folding Ceremony" as conducted at funerals, memorials, & special events. There are likely to be many "versions" but regardless of which one used, the point and principle is to honor, to remember, to respect not only the Flag itself and its meaning but every person who has upheld & defended our Constitutional Liberties & Freedom.


SOUNDTRACK: Ann M. Wolf narrates this moving, traditional script to the background of her song, "Can We Bring Those Days Back Again." This is an interpretation which she discovered is widely used by Honor Guards in her area of the USA.

DISCLOSURE: THIS "VERSION" OF THE FLAG FOLDING CEREMONY CONTAINS MENTION OF GOD. If this is offensive to you, please do not click play or share; rather, I suggest you do a google search for a different interpretation which expresses your views. (In addition, all citizens are welcome to design a Ceremony which reflects their viewpoint).

DISCLOSURE: The use of the Bible or mention of God in this version of the Flag Folding Ceremony Script is NOT to exclude or deny any other faith on the planet or to disrespect those who are atheists or those who have no specific faith; it is simply a gesture of love from my heart to yours. Veterans, First-Responders & their families being honored in this ceremony suffered and/or died so that I would have the Freedom to perform this ceremony and so that any listeners could choose to watch or walk away, according to their views. This version has been adapted (from the TN Volunteer Veterans Honor Guard Version) by myself as a Judeo/Christian Chaplain, and it is my gift of thanks for the sacrifices which obtained my freedom & help to maintain my safety. When I perform this Ceremony, it is offered out of love & respect to the Veteran community and their families (regardless of their race, denomination, culture, political views, etc.) who "paid the price" and a price I could never repay except to use my Freedom to try and help or encourage others. Thank you and sincerely, Chaplain Ann M. Wolf - Now, back to the film . . .

FLAG CODE: Though there is a "Flag Code" offering information about the care & folding of our Flag; details of the origin of this traditional version of the Flag-Folding Ceremony are unknown.

Special mention is given to Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard for East, TN, as well as to other contributors of images, music & sponsorship, also from the East, TN area.

IMAGE: Opening image of folded flag by Rich Legg.



NOTE: This Video is offered for the purpose of inspiration & education; images & music are either original by Ann M. Wolf or are used by permission, by license, with some images having been obtained from (what the artist believes) are public domain sites. Please advise if any images require additional licenses or permissions. Thank you.


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