Defeats of My Favorite Villains Part 52

Описание к видео Defeats of My Favorite Villains Part 52

Villain Quotes:
"Don't you realize what he's planned? In his new world our money doesn't matter." - Cheetah
"Ah, if it isn't my old pal Megatron. And by 'old pal,' I mean the piece of scum who tried to INCINERATE ME INTO OBLIVION!" - Starscream
"So, Oogway, this was the one destined to stop me? I will have his chi, and then all of theirs! (looks at Po) And you.... you really thought you could send me back to the Spirit Realm? You are just a stupid mortal." - General Kai
"Each of us finally got the better of our opposite numbers and it's all thanks to the genius of one man. Vandal Savage." - Mirror Master
"I am the future. C'mon, Bonnie, don't run away from happiness. I'm going to fix you, and then I'm going to fix that sniveling gum wad, Neddy." - Uncle Gumbald
"..." - GOLB
"He should've been burning for weeks." - Ma'alefa'ak
"No one hurts Hiccup. No one... except me. And not until after I have his Night Fury, and I will have it." - Dagur the Deranged
"Trust me, Fife. Humanity is entirely overrated! Before the enchantment, there was no need for my particular brand of genius. But now, the Master needs my melodies to feed his tormented soul. I am his confidant and his best friend..... and I won't let some peasant girl RUIN IT FOR ME!!! Fife! See to it that this blossoming love withers on the vine." - Forte
"(Shoots Superman) Kryptonite Bullet. (transforms, resulting in his disguise being torn apart and opens his chest hatch, revealing a piece of Kryptonite) Kryptonite Heart." - Metallo
"You came all this way. Watch the test. It’s a helluva freaking show, you’re going to love this! This was never your city. It’s mine." - Wilson Fisk/Kingpin
Clips from:
Justice League: Doom
Transformers: Animated
Kung Fu Panda 3
Justice League: Doom
Adventure Time
Justice League: Doom
Dragons: Defenders of Berk
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas
Justice League: Doom
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Song: Already Over by Red


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