What Are Circulating Tumour Cells? (Animation)

Описание к видео What Are Circulating Tumour Cells? (Animation)

Learn more about circulating tumour cells, how they make their way into the bloodstream and the role they play in the early detection of certain types of cancer...

What is a circulating tumour cell?

Cancer begins in our cells.

When healthy cells become mutated or damaged they multiply too quickly and form a lump.

This lump is known as a tumour.

During the disease a certain number of these cancer cells die and ‘shed’ genetic material into the bloodstream.

This material is known as circulating free DNA or circulating tumour DNA.

Sometimes cells break away from the tumour and change in shape and appearance so they can be carried through the bloodstream or lymph system to other parts of the body where they can form a new tumour.

These cells are called circulating tumour cells or CTCs.

Scientists have pioneered a technique called a liquid biopsy which has the potential to identify CTCs circulating in the blood and help to identify certain cancers before symptoms appear.

RGCC | Developing personalised strategies for your cancer treatment
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