Grinding out an Ultimate Datapad | War Robots gameplay

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Added the Ultimate Avenger Behemoth to the lineup for the DSC task. Didn't get to use it as much as I would've liked, but when it came out, it made an impact, and that's the most important thing.

Glad to see everyone is coming out and expressing how much they HATE the passive module rework. If this was a balancing issue, Pixonic could "rework" passive modules in the way they work for Titans--limit some slots to defense, offense, or "utility," or make them universal. Then we have all the creativity of building, we avoid some broken setups, and player investment isn't lost.

Instead, Pixonic is gutting the heart of robot customization and going to make us pay for the privilege. I'm SO looking forward to Armor Attack. I wasn't going to pay much attention, but Pixonic has pushed us all into their arms with this. There is no amount of compensation they could give us that would replace the fun they're taking away. Not to mention, of course, the infinite cost of this new currency going forward.

Remember drones?

The drone rework put us in a situation where new drones are now $40 and a Mk3 token (so, $47 to $55 dollars, basically) to level... and Pixonic is incentivized to make drones that only really work with one particular bot.

They did pretty well with Hiruko, the drone that came out with Ochokochi, giving it an ability that puts a DoT on you, when there was only one robot where a DoT was a good thing. What made Hiruko work outside of that meta was the short cooldown on Unstable Conduit.

But the Wave drone? Literally only one robot that flies with physical shields as far as I know. So it's perfect--you pay $47 to $55 to level it and you get to use it on one robot, ever. And have to buy another one. That's not how it used to be, and it's not how it's supposed to be. The joy of a robot game ought to include building and taking apart robots. And that's what we're losing.

So... what do think the monetization will look like on modules? I'm guessing they're going to shoot for $40 per skill tree. Why? Because they saw they could get away with it on drones. And that's for every robot. Even unlocking the basic tree on T2 robots, even. I've had an active module on my first Leo for nine years, I think? Now I have to PAY for it again?

Looking forward to being an Armor Attack channel at this point.

I didn't change the Behemoth build from the last time I ran it, because it didn't need anything. Here's how to build the Ultimate Avenger Behemoth:

Ardent Behemoth
Andrey Kvasov (22% movement speed in mobile mode, +55 defense in stationary mode)
Mechanic / Dodger / Armor Expert / Speed Shooter (Avenger) / Master Gunsmith / Sharpshooter (Avenger) / Road Hog
2 Immune Amp, 1 Nuclear Amp
Unstable conduit
Seeker drone
4 Ultimate Avenger

And here’s how to build that Hwangje Bagliore…
Adrian Chong (+5% damage)
Road Hog / Armor Expert / Spy / Master Gunsmith / Dodger / Daredevil / Gunsmith (Hwangje)
2 Nuclear Amp, 1 Immune Amp
Unstable conduit
Solar Drone
4 Ardent Hwangje

00:00 Game one (Shenzhen)
06:08 Game one scores
06:51 Game two (Shenzhen)
12:01 Game two scores
12:32 Game three (Carrier)
18:52 Game three scores
19:20 Game four (Shenzhen)
25:26 Game four scores
25:59 Game five (Abyss)
29:26 Game five scores
30:03 Game six (Canyon)
34:42 Game six scores
35:25 Game seven (Canyon)
41:41 Game seven scores
42:09 Ultimate Data Pad opening


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