North Korea Mass Games 2018

Описание к видео North Korea Mass Games 2018

This year's celebrations mark the revival of North Korea's iconic mass games after a five-year hiatus.

The mass games involve tens of thousands of people holding up placards or dancing in precise unison and are intended to be a display of national unity.

This year's spectacle tickets start at just over £75 and go up to more than £600 per seat also has a strong economic theme.

The economy was also a big part of a concert held on the eve of the anniversary for foreign dignitaries and a large foreign media contingent allowed in for the events.

French actor Gerard Depardieu was spotted at the parade although it is not known whether he was there as a tourist or as a guest of the regime.Sun Subscribers get the latest breaking news and videos directly to their feed. SUBSCRIBE NOW and hit the bell to be the first in the know.


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