Tip-SEE-Tue: Bite Registration

Описание к видео Tip-SEE-Tue: Bite Registration

An often neglected step in the world of dentistry is the process of bite registration, which in my opinion plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal fit and function of dental restorations.

Bite registration is the technique used to record the relationship between the upper and lower jaws when they come together. Often I see dentists recording bites across the entire arch, regardless of the teeth being prepared. There is a major flaw in this, as it will almost always result in high crowns. In this video, I recommend the concept of ‘segmental bites’ to overcome all the drawbacks of conventional full-mouth bites.

Also traditionally, bites are recorded using a simple modelling wax material. But advancements in dental materials have revolutionized the field. With the introduction of specialized silicon materials and bite registration waxes, bite registration has become more accurate, reliable, and comfortable for patients.

These materials offer several advantages. Firstly, they provide excellent detail reproduction and are super accurate, dimensionally stable, and do not distort. This ensures that restorations, such as crowns or bridges, can be precisely crafted to match the patient's natural teeth and occlusion.

With these innovative materials, dental professionals are delivering superior results, improving patient satisfaction, and enhancing overall dental health.

To connect with my practice- Smile Masters and Jaw Joint Matters:
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/7738968210
E-Mail: smilemastersindia@gmail.com
Feel free to line up a Zoom online consult if you reside outside Mumbai.

Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/drmoezkhakiani?...

To learn more from me: https://www.mikeducation.com/ (For Dentists)

#learningwithmik #mikdental #biteal #aluwax #biteregistration


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