3 LEVELS of Sawhorses: DIY to PRO Build

Описание к видео 3 LEVELS of Sawhorses: DIY to PRO Build

In this new series we introduce the 3 LEVELS concept, starting with Sawhorses :DIY to PRO Build. I got this idea from Epicurious, who is one of my favorite food channels. We want to shine a light on how you can take the same process and step it up, and make it usable for anyone!

DOWNLOAD SAWHORSE PLAN BUNDLE - https://bit.ly/JM_SawhorseBundle
SPONSORED BY BESSEY TOOLS - http://bit.ly/JM_BesseyKit

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MERCHANDISE - https://shop.johnmalecki.com/
PLANS - https://www.johnmalecki.com/digital-p...
SAFETY GLASSES - https://geni.us/4h6xaM (Amazon)

Proudly Supported By:
Woodcraft - http://bit.ly/JM_Woodcraft2020
Timberland PRO - http://bit.ly/JM_TimberlandPRO

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Woodworking Tools - https://kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/wood...
Metalworking Tools - https://kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/meta...
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My Camera Gear - https://kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/came...

Musicbed Sync ID:

#Sawhorse #DIYSawhorse #3LevelsSawhorse


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