Battling Anxiety SD 480p

Описание к видео Battling Anxiety SD 480p

Have you been battling the escalating fears that underlie global suffering these days? Are you feeling anxiety about what might happen in the future? It's spiritual warfare, isn't it? Time to battle anxiety.

How can we do this as believers in Jesus Christ?

We can sing of His kingdom plan!

We can sing, "A mighty fortress is our God!"

Praying that this short video helps to calm our anxiety as we focus our thoughts on God's sovereign reign and our place in His kingdom, brought about by the perfect life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has promised so much to us, offering us great hope in whatever today or the future holds.

Packed with Scripture and this powerful hymn, may He help each of us to boldly and fear-less-ly remember that "God's truth abideth still! His kingdom is forever!"

For more encouragement and weekly playlists to sing, battling anxiety as you suffer, I'm at


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