Castleguard Cave - 6 days in the cave

Описание к видео Castleguard Cave - 6 days in the cave

Castleguard Cave is Canada's longest. It goes under a mountain and into the valley on the other side, where instead of open air you meet the glacier and have to retrace 11 km of passage, back out the way you came in. This takes a total of at least four days, continously underground.
On the way is some of the most demanding terrain you'll meet in caves, spectacular stalactites, the aptly named "Bitch Traverse" and "Holes in the Floor", and a host of other features and challenges - not to forget the massive entrance barrier put in place by Parks Canada, to (quite properly) keep the unqualified out.
This is only the second film made from the cave, and shows what most people would never see, or dream of doing.
A full-resolution file is available for download if you want to show the film to your cave club etc., contact me at the address in the end credits.


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