Tips and Techniques for "talking techy" with non-technical people

Описание к видео Tips and Techniques for "talking techy" with non-technical people

Picture a Biomedical Engineer or Technologist who is speaking with Doctors, Nurses, Administrators, folks from Finance and Purchasing, and others, none of whom have technical backgrounds. Now imagine this person presenting on a highly complex topic where considerable technical jargon is the norm in discussions… but a huge portion of your audience has no idea what this jargon means! Sound familiar?
A core skill of any Biomedical Engineer or Technologist is being a communication hub between all of these varied groups in a hospital or other setting, since we’re often the group that has to guide the integrated solution. After all, effective communication means relaying information in a way that your audience can readily understand. So let’s get better at this key role! Neil Thompson will help us do just that. He’s the founder and principal of the Teach the Geek to Speak Society and wants to help you communicate better!


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