Distorted Travesty 3 - CHAOS Warmaster EX (No-Hit)

Описание к видео Distorted Travesty 3 - CHAOS Warmaster EX (No-Hit)

Managed to beat the TLB of Distorted Travesty 3 without getting hit this time. This guy is still a very hard and incredibly good boss.

Distorted Travesty 3 is a freeware action-platformer that is like 80 hours long and has 68 bosses. It's also very high-quality for the most part.

Also called WEX, this is the super buffed, super aggressive version of the final boss of this game. It has tons of new attacks and super attacks on top of his already existing buffed attacks.
Warmaster is pretty much a rival fight taken to its logical extreme, it really feels like you're fighting another protagonist.

In this game you get a double jump, a ground dash and an air dash. The dashes are represented by the green meter in the top left. Each bar gives you a dash and the meter regenerates over time.
The ground and air dash give you invincibility frames and can be chained into each other. It's worth noting that the two playable characters have different dashes. Hitting an enemy in the air will refresh your dashes and double jump.

Even with the dash mechanics that give you invincibility frames, you need to do a lot of careful timing and maneuvering to avoid taking too much damage in this fight.
While dodging you also need to make sure to actually damage the boss, which is easier said that done, since every form has different weaknesses to your different weapons.
WEX also changes forms way quicker than normal Warmaster, so you need to switch between your four different attack styles very quickly in order to keep up with him.
The form changes can be manipulated in a way by how far away from the boss you are and in which direction you're facing, but it essentially becomes random after the first form because of all the chaos going on.

You want to time when to trigger the super attacks because they can get pretty hairy in a bad situation. He does one at 80, 60, 40 and 20% health remaining. An important thing to remember is that super attacks seem to reset the HP pool of the current form. So if the boss is green while activating the super, you will have to fight green again from the start after the super.

Green form is by the worst form in this fight. It can spawn those turrets that will keep shooting for 10 seconds and he can rush into you with very little time to react. The homing wind orb is the worst and he spams it quite a lot in this fight. If you don't destroy that thing with morph ball bombs quickly, then it can stalk you for a good 10 seconds too.

The strategy I eventually ended up using was managing HP thresholds. If the boss has less than 50% health left when it switches forms, then green will become immune to Megaman shots and orange will become immune to Belmont knives. You want his health to just be slightly above 50% when he changes. This way you can spam Megaman shots into green to make this phase much easier and go by faster. You don't want to do too much damage though, you only want to go past the 40% health threshold when he changes forms, in order to not fight green again after the 40% super.
Getting past 2nd phase green is by far the hardest part of this fight, so this strategy makes this a lot easier.

I can't believe I managed to recover after fucking up the last super.

Equipment used:
Jerry: Energy Gem, Power Glove, Sword of Bravery
Claire: Rail Gun, Dragon Feather Ring, Magic Sword

Download the game here:


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