Testing a Mini Scuba Tank, IT WORKS, The Snorkl, Part 2

Описание к видео Testing a Mini Scuba Tank, IT WORKS, The Snorkl, Part 2

ScorkL is a mini scuba device that can be pumped up by hand and it allows you to dive for up to 10 minutes. Well, that’s what the marketing words say. In this PART 2 follow-up from the original video, we fill the mini scuba tanks with air and test them at Khai Island in Phuket.

The Scorkl is sold as a shallow diving kit that lets you breathe freely under the surface with no bulky scuba equipment to get in the way of your exploring. No scuba certification is required. The starter kit, which includes a hand pump, sells for around $500 USD

#5StarMarinePhuket #phuketboattour #Phuketprivateboattour #Snorkeling


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