WSBK Assen 2024 S2-E5 Intermediates and ice on the saddle

Описание к видео WSBK Assen 2024 S2-E5 Intermediates and ice on the saddle

Two episodes Superbike TT Assen 2024. Together with other motorcycles I ride the road to it in the pouring rain. The first part is the highway and from Amersfoort we take a shortcut. We camp across the street at De Ommekeer campsite in Witterzomer. About half an hour walk to the circuit. There we see Michael van der Mark riding during race 1 and 2 World Superbike. But also races from Yamaha 300, World SSP. I also take a look in the paddock and on the roof above the pits with a wide view. Two days of circuit. Very changeable weather for us and for the riders: rain, sun, alternate quickly. That makes the races very spectacular. Nicholas Spinelli, substitute for Danilo Patrucci, is the only one to start on intermediates (rain tyres). It starts raining just after the start and he builds up an unprecedented lead of no less than 28 seconds. When the rain stops, he loses his immense lead and eventually crosses the finish line with a 4 second lead on the other riders. Superbike or super exciting. Fantastic to see how these racers drive. If you like this video: Subscribe, like and share!


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