MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM 9.4.18: Full changelog and download links

Описание к видео MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM 9.4.18: Full changelog and download links

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http://bit.ly/2IJfRkJ Mi Community Bangladesh is glad to announce the full changelog and download links for MIUI Global Beta ROM 9.4.18

How to upgrade to MIUI Developer ROM

1. Back up your data and apps before upgrading to MIUI.

2. Stable ROM users of MIUI, please upgrade to MIUI Dev ROM via fastboot method (download fastboot ROM).

3. MIUI Global Beta ROM users, If your device is bootloader locked, please unlock it before fastboot flashing.Unlocking guide

Full changelog:


New - Added screen usage time, go to Settings - Screen Usage Time.

Lock Screen

Optimization - Optimized fingerprint unlock experience.

When you unlock your phone by double-clicking the notification message, you can use the fingerprint instead of the password to unlock it.

Second Space

Optimization - loading speed of the wallpaper when switching to Second Space.

Face Unlock

Optimization - Optimized password interface for The animation is not smooth after successful face unlock.


Optimization - Optimize the beauty cam and filter interactive experience.

Optimization - Optimize photo, portrait and short video modes for unified beauty cam and filter entry.

Optimize the position order of short videos and slow motion.


Fixed - The status bar battery power refresh interval.

Download Links:

Update 9.4.18 for Redmi Note 5 has been suspended due to system errors.

Update 9.4.18 for Redmi 5 Plus is delayed due to system errors.

Redmi note 6 Pro 9.4.18- 9.0
Recovery ROM 1.7G ade32fc153a33534b05ab7976b6cd1a2
Fastboot ROM 2.6G d4f486db0dc43c7c4cac792974cffc74

POCOPHONE F1 GLOBAL - 9.4.18- 9.0
Recovery ROM 1.8G 1a15974bb573d2ba5ceceae4ac6fe12f
Fastboot ROM 2.5G 046ca47bfb465dc2edb4f16a05973700

Redmi 5 Global - 9.4.18- 8.1
Recovery ROM 1.4G d1bf6e69769ac415f07be1d4b0cc9514
Fastboot ROM 1.9G b42568faa1081ce700e7c7fd414bfdf8

Redmi 6 - 9.4.18- 8.1
Recovery ROM 1.3G c0699bcaf1a553d022a7e75bc40256fb
Fastboot ROM 1.9G 77f483a69e2102b0cc991b55f7cd68fa

Redmi 6A - 9.4.18- 8.1
Recovery ROM 1.3G b14f28cd5d3bb8612afd626d3790237c
Fastboot ROM 1.9G 13a05bf4067f09b7e19d65758c835435


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