An Animal Which Loves Eating ☠ Poisonous Plants

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This video is the clip from EBS Docuprime [Life, Secrets of 4 Billion Years] - Part 4: The Strategy for the Other Half, Mating

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Plants kept adapting to the change of environment. Gympie gympie are also known as a stinging tree. Leaves and stems are covered with thorns densely. Thorns are so strong that leather of animals or clothes of people can be piereced. With just brushing against the tree, thorns will be stuck inside the skin. At the moment, the pointed part of thorns are broken and the venomous matter come out. It causes severe pain and sore skin, sometimes making blister. Which animals eat these fatal venomous plants, Gympie Gympie? It is the snail and the beetle which had eaten gympie gympie, and they don’t get any damage from the tree and venomous thorns. Another herbivore enjoys consuming this venomous plant. It is a pademelon which is native to Australia. It is assumed that pademelon has adapted to the venom of gympie gympie living long period together.


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