♤♡♤The Lobster Crawl♤♡♤@

Описание к видео ♤♡♤The Lobster Crawl♤♡♤@

*Lobster Crawl*

(steel drum, acoustic guitar, 5 seconds)

Ohhh… Yeah, mon!
Here we go mon
Gathar 'round for dah tale of dee sea
Where dah rhythm of dee ocean sets dah spirit free.
Down in dah Keys, where dee sun be big
Yur worries small
Come along, join dee conga dance—it be dee Lobster Crawl!

(Lively upbeat tempo with drums and bass)

Lobster Crawl, it be ah seaside ball
Under dah moon, where dee oh-cean calls
Wit a tickle stick, in dee unda-water hall
We be livin' it up, doin' dee Lobster Crawl!

*Verse 1:*
(Smooth rhythm, soft percussion, light guitar strumming)

In dah shimmerin' waters where dee corals kiss
Lies ah hidden world filled wit bliss
Antennas peekin’, frum rocky stalls
That be where we head tah start our crawl

*Verse 2:*
(smooth rhythm, slight tempo increase)

Bag in hand, we drift through dah blue
Chasin’ shadows where dee waters brew
It be ah game of hide und seek, in Neptune’s hall
Every find, ah treasure, at dee Lobster Crawl

(Mellow tone, keyboard, soft drum beats)

Ohhhh…. sway wit dah waves
Dee salty breeze
Amongst dah thugs of dee deep, we move wit ease
Twenty minutes, catch dee limit
Hear dah ocean’s call
Magic moments
(echos) Dese waters, in dee Lobster Crawl

(Repeat, more vibrant backing vocals)

Lobster Crawl, it be ah seaside ball
Under dah moon, where dee ocean calls
Wit ah tickle stick, in dee under-water hall
We be livin' it up, doin' dee Lobster Crawl!

(Slow fade with steel drums and a soft guitar riff)
SooOOo.... when dee sun sets on dah salty shore
Remember dee dance of dah ocean floor
Until next time, keep the spirit tall
‘Til we meet again, at dee Lobster Crawl.



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