Shadowplay Instant Replay Not working Fixed 2022! 3 Simple Steps!

Описание к видео Shadowplay Instant Replay Not working Fixed 2022! 3 Simple Steps!

Hello, in this video ill be explaining how in 3 methods you'll be able to fix your Nvidia Shadowplay Instant Replay or even Recordings. They are super simple and i'm sure your problem will be fixed.

Method 1. Open Shadowplay up by pressing ALT - Z at the same time, Select the sprocket icon indicating settings and scroll all the way down towards privacy control, select it and make sure it is toggled on.

Method 2. If the 1st method didn't work, Try opening Nvidia Geforce Experience up and then go to the settings icon at the top right of your screen then turn off in-game overlay and then turn it back on to refresh it, Then try going into the in-game overlay settings by doing the same thing from method 1.

Method 3. If neither 1st or 2nd methods work, try making sure that you have enough storage to work with, if not then that might be the issue for what is causing your recordings to not properly save.

Method 4. (Bonus method) I forgot to mention but incase you can't record or have any form of instant replay and none of these methods helped out, it might be due to you having netflix accidentally open or even disney plus, Having a streaming site open can inflict with you not being able to record at all sometimes so be sure that those streaming sites aren't open at all in your browser and then see if you can save your recordings.

No Copyright Sounds Song:

Syn Cole - Need Ya [NCS Release]
   • Syn Cole - Need Ya | House | NCS - Co...  

All rights goes towards them as i intended to use their song for educational purposes and will always refer to which song i am using in these videos.

Thank you for watching and if you have any questions, please comment down below and subscribe as it does mean a lot!



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