Can You Shoot An Active Shooter Even If You're Not The Target?

Описание к видео Can You Shoot An Active Shooter Even If You're Not The Target?

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It’s everyone’s nightmare: an armed madman disrupts church services and begins firing a gun. Church security returns fire, but can – or should — you enter the gunfight with your concealed carry handgun? In this video, U.S. Concealed Carry Association Director of Content Kevin Michalowski and former Wisconsin state prosecutor Tom Grieve review footage of a heart-pounding training drill in which an armed gunman opens fire in a church. What do you do? Should you shoot?

00:00 As a private citizen legally carrying a concealed firearm, can you engage an active shooter who is not technically aiming at you?
00:55 Kevin rolls the shocking training scenario footage recorded at a local church.
01:28 In a crowded church shooting incident, who should engage the bad guy?
01:46 Tom gives his assessment on “defense of third person” self-defense statutes.
02:25 Know your state’s self-defense laws. Will you be able to articulate to investigators and the court that you know the laws and felt your actions were within the law?
03:05 It’s ultimately up to you whether or not you want to get involved in a third-party gunfight.
03:50 In addition to potential legal concerns, consider the tactical complications of engaging in a firefight with an armed gunman.
04:37 Are you sure that you have the whole story or could you be mistakenly shooting at the wrong person?
05:18 What is at stake if you shoot an innocent party while trying to stop an active shooter?
06:11 What about your family? Will you have time to get them to safety before firing at an active shooter who is not posing an immediate threat? Can you distance yourself to draw fire away?

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