Silvestre Revueltas: Janitzio for Orchestra (Score video)

Описание к видео Silvestre Revueltas: Janitzio for Orchestra (Score video)

Janitzio is a symphonic poem by the Mexican composer Silvestre Revueltas, composed in 1933 and revised in 1936. The work is a portrait of Janitzio Island in Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico.

The score of Janitzio was completed on 31 July 1933 (Velazco 1986, 342) and was premiered under the composer's baton. According to some sources, this was by the Orquesta Sinfónica de México in the Teatro Hidalgo in Mexico City on 8 December 1933 (Velazco 1986, 341; Brennan 1998, 16). However, before it was unveiled to the audiences of the OSM, Revueltas had conducted it at the Palacio de Bellas Artes with the Orquesta del Conservatorio on 13 October 1933 in a program that also included Revueltas's own Ocho por radio, Daniel Ayala's Leyenda, and the first Mexican performance of Manuel Ponce's Canto y danza de los antiguos mexicanos (Slonimsky 1945, 250; Saavedra 2009, 306, 313–14, 325n84).

According to one source, Revueltas originally composed the work for the film Janitzio, directed by Carlos Navarro and starring Emilio Fernández (Standish and Bell 2004, 186).

Revueltas revised the score three years later, completing the new version on 30 December 1936 at the Sanitorio Ramírez Moreno in Mexico City, where he was hospitalized for fatigue and rehabilitation from alcoholism (Hernández 2009, 19; Velazco 1986, 342). The original version was dedicated to Carlos Chávez and Armando Echevarría (librarian of the OSM), but the 1936 revised score bears no dedication (Velazco 1986, 345).

Janitzio is a portrait of Janitzio Island in Lake Pátzcuaro, and is one of only two of Revueltas's works that refers directly to a Mexican landscape (the other is Cuauhnáhuac) (Mayer-Serra 1941, 127).

Janitzio follows the three-part structure that Revueltas favoured in all his orchestral works, with a lyrical, slow middle section (Velazco 1986, 342–43). This has also been described, somewhat differently, as a "fast–slow–radiant" structure (Saavedra 2009, 313). The three sections are marked "Con brio" (b. 1–177), Lento espressivo (molto sostenuto e cantabile) (b. 177–238), and Tempo I (b. 239–386) (Hernández 2009, 81).

The lively opening employs certain melodic turns native to the region, which may have been modelled on a Purépecha son called "La Reina de los Huajiniguiles" (The Queen of the Huajiniguiles), from Uruaipán in the state of Michoacán (Mayer-Serra 1941, 129–30). There are two main theme groups. The first is made up of three motivic cells, found in the first four bars and characterised principally by their rhythms, from which the entire work is generated: an ascending perfect fourth from E to A, a scale segment G♯–A–B–(C♯); and a descending major third from C♯–A. These plainly establish the key of A major (Hernández 2009, 92). The second theme group (b. 89–138) is more compact than the first, and is primarily lyrical rather than rhythmic. It is not clear that this is actually a secondary thematic group as found in a sonata-allegro form. It is instead developmental in essence (Hernández 2009, 98).

The middle section is contrasted by its simplicity, slower tempo, and 3/4 metre (though there are metrical variations throughout the section). It is features a lyrical, two-voiced theme, first presented by the clarinet and bassoon over an ostinato bass accompaniment. The key of G major is established by an insistent G pedal in the basses as well as by the tuba's dominant D at bar 183 and a dominant-tonic cadence at b. 190. The thematic development is continued from the previous section (Hernández 2009, 105).

In the central part of the concluding section (between rehearsal numbers 28 and 29), Revueltas uses a "distortion" characteristic of his style. A waltz in A major evoking the atmosphere of 19th-century salon music is contradicted by a surrealistic presentation in the brass of a B♭-major arpeggio (Palacio 1991).

Orquesta Filarmónica de la Ciudad de México
Conductor: Enrique Bátiz.

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