India का ये Speaker, है कई विदेशी HiFi speakers से बेहतर

Описание к видео India का ये Speaker, है कई विदेशी HiFi speakers से बेहतर

India का ये Speaker, है कई विदेशी HiFi speakers से बेहतर
Norge Audio Only for Audiophiles,
Norge New Millenium Mark II bookshelf speakers are among the best in the Indian HiFi market. Norge New Millennium Mark II bookshelf speakers are also the best match for Norge 2060 , Norge Amplifiers like Norge Concerto Gold 1000 ,
Norge MOSFET Reference 2000 Stereo Amplifier and Norge 1200 Professional Pre Power Amp

Purchase Link:

My Instagram ID: abhis_av_tech
Email ID: [email protected]

00:00 Norge New Millennium Mark II bookshelf speakers
02:52 Sound Testing
06:51 My opinion
18:10 Important

#bookshelfspeaker #speaker #speakers


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