Описание к видео William Kentridge TRIUMPHS AND LAMENTS

"The artist’s most ambitious project to date, Triumphs and Laments is a 500 meter-long frieze, erased from the biological patina on the travertine embankment walls that line Rome’s urban waterfront. Exploring dominant tensions in the history of the Eternal City from past to present, more than eighty figures, up to 10 meters high, represent Rome’s greatest victories and defeats from mythological time to present, forming a silhouetted procession on Piazza Tevere."

"The hope is that, [as] people walk the extent of these 500 meters, they will see images of the history they find both familiar and transformed in some way. And this will reflect the complex way in which a city is represented… We are trying to find the triumph in the lament and the lament in the triumph, putting together a sense of history from fragments." – William Kentridge

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Music : Dead Can Dance "The Host of Seraphim" & Jalikunda African Drums
The music is used for education not for commercial purposes.

Shot & edited by Tanguy de Thuret


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