How To Milk A Goat - Mary's Milk Monsters Style!

Описание к видео How To Milk A Goat - Mary's Milk Monsters Style!

Hi everyone,
My name is Mary. I first got goats as a gift for my 8th birthday. I am allergic to cows milk, so I chose dairy goats because I am able to drink goats milk. It's been 11 years now, and I have been milking twice per day, every day for the last 10. Here are four that I am currently milking.
Wonky Onehorn - our unicorn goat. She is four years old and on her second lactation. She has one horn because our dehorning tool was not working well, so one horn grew back as a curly unicorn horn.

Summer - is three years old and on her first lactation of two years...and counting. She is our resident genius. Summer can open gate latches, remove light bulbs without breaking, and find any hole in the fence. We usually find her on the house roof. She was born on the Summer Solstice, and her kids were born on the Spring Equinox.
Jelly - our Herd Queen. She is the last of our original goats, and at 11 years old is technically retired but still gives a half gallon of milk per day. On her best day, she gave 2 gallons of milk. She earned a production award from the dairy goat association, a "milk star" designation on her pedigree, for 3600 pounds of milk that year. This goat is the absolute G.O.A.T.
Nubelette - the Drama Princess. Every day a new drama with Nubians, but very sweet if you don't need them to do anything. She is three years old and on year two of a first lactation. Nubians are famous for rich, high butterfat milk. Her grandmother had a 6th generation milk star and tested at 8% butterfat milk.
Our goal with dairy goats has been longer length lactations. We found if we bred a one year old doe, then kept milking, we could get several years of milk year round versus the stress of a yearly freshening and dry off. We managed a five year lactation with our little Nigerian, Coco Puff.
This morning's total was 1 gallon plus 12 oz, and the full day's total was 2 gallons and a quart. This can make one pint of goat cheese, or a 1/4 pound of butter.

If you guys wanna buy soap made with this milk click here


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