Attack on 2020 - Season 1 - An 2020 Anime Opening - (Attack on Titan Parody)

Описание к видео Attack on 2020 - Season 1 - An 2020 Anime Opening - (Attack on Titan Parody)

Giorno let Fugo touch the Requiem arrow, the Purple Haze Requiem infected a plane passenger, who is traveling to China, resulting in Italy and China being 2 of the most damaged nations. Inside Eren’s basement is the syringe containing the vaccine for the disease, but getting there is challenging since WW III was taking place. The Coffin dancers lead the brave warriors to the after life as well as Coronavirus’s hosts

#attackontitan #jojo #memes #anime #animeop #corona #covid #ww3 #purplehaze

I would like to thank all of the aliens watching this show, or else Netflix would've canceled this. We sincerely appreciate all of the support of the fans, please continue to support the franchise. All theories and predictions may be the future events, you never know maybe your own theory or prediction may actually be correct. Despite all the plot twists and surprises, Thank You.

Season 2 is out!!!
   • Attack on 2020 - Season 2 - An 2020 A...  


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