Soul Still Burns / Ep5 / SoulCalibur 4 / Sophitia

Описание к видео Soul Still Burns / Ep5 / SoulCalibur 4 / Sophitia

Welcome back to the stage of history, as I enter the my favorite of the SoulCalibur games. I put Souledge/Soulbalde and Soulcalibur 4 on high but- different pedestals.

SC4 has so many memories for me and I put off playing it. Mainly from not wanting to taint it with a negative attitude or vibe. Why it took me so long to do this. I thought to myself; in a stable mind set, this- game I have played at the best and worst of times. Met "The Scaly" on it and this game leveled me out- balancing my emotions. It was time to record this very special episode.

As soon as the disc goes in and I see the SC4 title pop up, I am immediately pulled into it and flooded with an overwhelming rush of emotion. Then the calmness set in and I remembered how much I missed this game. Rusty as I am, I at least remember a lot and would love to return to this game more.

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