Unreal ~ Wargate (Extended)

Описание к видео Unreal ~ Wargate (Extended)

My Remix of "Wargate", originally composed by Alexander Brandon for the game Unreal. For this Version, I made a few Alterations, including an extended Segment 3 (with Variations, three different Speeds, and an Outro) and smoother Segment-Transitions. Some of these changes may be deemed questionable, so let me explain...

Most importantly: Why extend Segment III with Speed-Variations?
Well, extending that segment is simply reasonable because IT ROCKS! ... but also, nobody seems to know the right speed for Segment III: If you look it up on YouTube, you may find different versions in different speeds, and people might consider them either to fast or too slow. The true speed is shrouded in mystery, let me tell you why...
This music is a tracker-module (kind of like "coder" music). There is a code-command "A00", which sets the speed of a track. During this segment, the speed keeps changing from A06 to A07 to A08 to A07, rinse and repeat. Segment III has no speed-command, so when it starts ingame while Segment I is playing at one of three possible speeds, it will pick up whatever speed is playing there at that very moment -- A06, A07 or A08.
This has led to the problem that every time somebody plays the game, a different speed may occur, and so players consider whatever they got to know the "right" speed. Because of that, I not only extended Segment III, but decided to offer all three Speeds -- to either make everyone happy, or to make nobody happy... but I am sure some people will appreciate the idea.
I will, however, make the following argument: Although there are three possible speeds (6, 7 and 8), speed 7 occurs twice in the loop and thusly there is twice as high a chance to get speed 7, which makes it a reasonable "fan-favorite". Speed 6 plays the fastest, 8 plays the slowest, so getting 8 should be more likely than 6. ALL THAT ASIDE, the right speed MUST BE none other than 6, because 6 is the initial speed value set in the Module Settings is 6, and this speed will be applied to the Module before any speed-command (for example, the first 38 seconds of the song run at speed 6 because no speed-comand has been given up to that point). This means that when each different segment of the Song was being composed, the segments would not be plagued with this problem of different possible speeds, and the composer probably composed the segment at speed 6, which would mean that Segment III has always been meant for speed 6 and not 7 or 8. Thusly I have to conclude that the one true speed for segment 3 has to be 6.
... oh, and because of that, speed 6 is how I am listening to it, so that convenient conclusion maaay still be tainted by personal preferences.^^

Also, why change the segment-transitions?
The segments were never meant to be heard in such an order; Segment III actually starts playing during Segment I, Segment II would not work as a musical bridge ingame, so the transition (or lack thereof) from Segment II to Segment III is very rough. So I made the transitions a little smoother.
Frankly, I just wanted to play around.

I hope you enjoy this version.


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