Assessment Tools for CBME and the Core Outcomes Webinar

Описание к видео Assessment Tools for CBME and the Core Outcomes Webinar

Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) emphasizes frequent, low-stakes assessments incorporating direct observation. This shift in paradigm will require many programs to make adjustments to their assessment process. This webinar will identify several workplace-based assessment tools and strategies for direct observation. We will introduce assessment tools from the STFM CBME Taskforce and discuss a proposed pilot for use of a mobile app. Our focus will be on assessment methods already in use and new ones that can be readily implemented.

Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:

- Identify at least two assessments tools already in place in their programs that could be used to address the new Core Outcomes.
- Identify additional assessment tools from the STFM Taskforce that can be incorporated in their home programs.
- Describe the benefits of workplace-based assessment and direct observation tools.
- Update their assessment systems to include more workplace-based assessment using direct observation.

- Olivia Rae Wright, MD
- Velyn Wu, MD


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