Eritrea: Major General "Wuchu" Army Chief of Staff State Funeral | Part 2

Описание к видео Eritrea: Major General "Wuchu" Army Chief of Staff State Funeral | Part 2

Asmara, 08 March 2014 -- The funeral service of the late veteran fighter Maj. General Gebregziabher Andemariam, Chief of Staff of the Eritrean Defence Force,was conducted today at Asmara Patriots Cemetery with patriotic zeal in the presence of President Isaias Afwerki, Ministers, Senior Government and PFDJ officials, Army Commanders, religious leaders and a large number of nationals.

The funeral ceremony was accompanied by Salute of the Guard of Honor that marched from Maj. General Gebregziabher's home to the cemetery, and the memoir was presented by Brig. General Tekle Libsu.

The departed Maj. General Gebregziabher joined the Liberation Forces in 1971 and served in various capacities for 43 years ranging from a rank-and-file member to Chief of Staff of the Defense Force, and his exemplary steadfastness persisted in safeguarding the nation's sovereignty and the nation-building process. He also possessed a valuable charisma concerning nationalism, love for people, energy, bravery and pleasant personality.

The funeral service witnessed the laying of wreath by President Isaias, Mr. Al-Amin Mohammed Seid, PFDJ Secretary, Gen. Sibhat Ephrem, Defense Minister, Ms. Leul Gebreab, Chairperson of the NUEW, and Commanders of all commands, Naval force and Air Force, as well as the People's Army.

The Government of Eritrea conveys message of condolence to the family members and the citizenry in connection with the passing away of the late Maj. General Gebregziabher Andemariam, chief of staff of the Defense Force.


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