Driver Harasses and Threatens to Kill Me Because I Won't Move Into his Imaginary Bike Lane

Описание к видео Driver Harasses and Threatens to Kill Me Because I Won't Move Into his Imaginary Bike Lane

We're on Lake Murray Blvd heading for the 8, when a driver honks at me and tells me to move over. You hear my response, and that sets him off into taunting me, then threatening to kill me, then punish passing me, and continuing to yell at me to use the bike lane that isn't there, until he delays traffic continuing to yell, and I'm back in the bike lane.

By all means, avoid this guy driving a white Jeep, CA 9HDH217, but don't lose sight of the larger issue: this crossing is designed for these kinds of conflicts to happen. Caltrans needs to make it safe to cross the freeway for people outside of cars.

Also, I sent this to the La Mesa PD in hopes they'd cite him for reckless driving and threatening to kill me with his car, but I was told my Officer William Wilson that he doesn't think it was that bad, and that is was partially my own fault for reacting to the aggression. Good ol' fashion gaslighting and victim blaming. He said that the driver is wrong, and maybe they'll talk to him to "educate" him about how people on bikes can use the road. All I learned in this process is that the police don't actually protect people on bikes. I already knew drivers were unhinged.

Thanks for watching.
These videos can be scary, but please know that my goal isn't to deter people from riding bikes in San Diego, but to show the real-world conditions. Sometimes it's pleasant, sometimes it's just fine, and other times there's tension and conflict.

The roads in San Diego should be safe and accessible to everyone without the use of a car. My hope is that these videos help those in power make better decisions for all our safety. I also believe that the more people who decide to ride, the safer the roads will become.

Please remember to support your local bike safety and mobility advocacy organizations, like BikeSD (, the San Diego County Bike Coalition ( and Circulate San Diego (


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