Meet Pharrell Williams and his adorable family

Описание к видео Meet Pharrell Williams and his adorable family

Pharrell Williams who was born in 1973 is an American singer and producer who has worked with such celebrities as Britney Spears, Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg and many others. A song Get Lucky produced in cooperation with the Daft Punk in 2013 has brought a musician worldwide fame, recognition and 4 Grammy Awards on top of that. Nowadays, he is one of the most influential stars not only in the US but all across the globe. However, the Grammy winner is successful not only in a professional career but also personal life!

The famous musician’s mother, Carolyn Williams is a Filipina who worked as a librarian, school teacher in elementary school and media specialist. Despite being very busy at work, she could always find time for kids, raising them all up in a lovely and caring atmosphere. Pharrell is her first child who she loves a lot and has always considered him to be extremely creative and unusually-thinking individual.

The father, Pharoah Williams II is African-American who was very far from creativity and show business. He worked as a handyman and has always been a great dad.

Pharrell has 2 half-brothers and 2 half-sisters from his father’s first marriage to Vanessa T. Taylor.

Pharaoh III is the eldest half-brother to the star. He is also very talented and works in music industry as a producer.

Second half-brother is named David and he works as a furniture salesman.

Nothing much is known about Pharrell’s half-sister Hope R. Williams as she prefers to keep her life private.

Carrie W. Parks was Pharrell’s second half-sister but unfortunately she died in 2015 being only 42 years old. She was a mother of 5 kids.

Pharrell also has 2 brothers from the same parents.

Cato is a professional skateboarder who has graduated from a film school in LA.

Psolomon is a very well-known actor who acted in Rock Bottom. He also dreams to become a quantum physicist.

A popular musician has been married to Helen Lasichanh since 2013. When they met for the very first time, Helen was dating another guy and so, Williams had to wait a little bit more than 2 years until her heart would be free again. She works as a designer and model as well as involved in a charity activity together with the husband. They have been happily living together, bringing up a son and triplets.

Their first child, Rocket Ayer was delivered in 2008. Both parents were very happy when he was born and wanted to give him a name that would represent their happiness. That’s exactly how Rocket came to their minds. As a father, Pharrell does his best to spend as much time as he only can, training loyalty and humility to his son. He even wrote a song for him that can be heard in Despicable Me.

The year 2017 was magic for the couple, since at that time they have got their cute and healthy triplets. Their names are not yet known to the public but the most important is that the whole family adores them, including their big brother Rocket who was dreaming to have siblings!


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