Panel 2: Innovation for Better Coordination of Local, National, Regional, & International Processes

Описание к видео Panel 2: Innovation for Better Coordination of Local, National, Regional, & International Processes

This panel calls for reflections on the innovations needed to strengthen coordination between local, national, regional, and UN levels, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of mediation processes. The objective is to develop more integrated approaches for more effective, coordinated, and non-competitive conflict management. What avenues exist for better integrating AU, REC, and UN mediation approaches? How can traditional norms be consolidated in the mediation process? What synergies can be found between AU leadership, REC primacy, the utility of civil society, and the sovereignty of conflict-affected states?


SÂ Benjamin Traoré, Associate Professor, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University


Paul-Simon Handy, Regional Director East Africa, Representative to the African Union

Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Loredana Teodorescu, Head of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network

Norman Sempijja, Associate Professor, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University


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