DOGPOOL ORIGIN IN HINDI | Deapool Ka Dog Varient |

Описание к видео DOGPOOL ORIGIN IN HINDI | Deapool Ka Dog Varient |

Dogpool, also known as Deadpool and Cujo, is a Marvel character from an alternate universe where he was used as a guinea pig for Mascara X, a cosmetics company that wanted to create makeup that would replenish itself after each use. The process disfigured Dogpool, but also gave him the ability to heal from any wound.
Dogpool's story begins when scientists Von Braun and Eigor use Wilson, the dog, in the Mascara X Project on Earth-103173. The scientists believe Wilson is dead and throw his body away, but performers of a local circus discover him and exploit his power, giving him the name "Deadpool, the Daredevil Dog". Deadpool recruits Dogpool to become a member of the Deadpool Corps.
Dogpool has a rough start, being owned by Mascara X and subjected to numerous tests of their products. The tests disfigure him, and he is thrown into a dumpster by lab owners. He wanders the streets, suffering rejection from humans, who even try to kill him because of his appearance. However, one day, he is run over and taken in by some Carnival doors who witness how he regenerates. They use him to entertain the audience, throwing him through the air, immersing him in acid, and even burning him alive.
Deadpool arrives from the other dimension to save Dogpool, but then leaves just as quickly. Dogpool is now affiliated with the Deadpool Corps, and is rarely seen outside of Deadpool or X-Men stories.
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