SPIRALS Tutorial

Описание к видео SPIRALS Tutorial

A fine objective for technical movement is finding out how simple patterns can develop into complex moves. The craft of movement is learnt gradually. Through the years one can discover that many of what seemed difficult yesterday is based on a natural and effortless undercurrent. The familiarity of our bodies and how to take advantage of these undercurrents is one of the biggest gifts of this type of practice. In simpler words, movement practice based on principles will take you further than moves and exercises.

In terms of dance and acrobatics the SPIRAL is one of these principles. If approached carefully it can create physical momentum instead of muscular power and soft landings instead of heavy ones. It is also a great way to regenerate existing force and collaborate with gravity or with a moving partner. This short tutorial is presenting a simple way of training a standing spiral and then integrating it into more dynamic movement. The same idea can be used in many other contexts and goes much further than this 2 minutes mini-lesson.

Practice the spiral daily and investigate where it already happens when you move. Just like a good detective you will quickly learn that the clues are everywhere and can lead to incredible resolutions to some of your movement problems.

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