Oil infusion & filtration with POT by NOIDS

Описание к видео Oil infusion & filtration with POT by NOIDS

POT by NOIDS: Ideal for Decarboxylation, Infusion and Extraction
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Detailed instructions and extra information for oil infusion and filtration:

Step 1: Add oil to the plant material in the beaker (everything below the MAX line)

For liquid oil: stir to make sure that the plant material is submerged in the oil. For solid butter or coconut oil blocks: make sure that you add the blocks on top of the plant material, not the other way around.

For vegetable oil:
Olive oil has the highest infusion rate and an ideal omega 3 profile
Coconut oil is better for making gummies, candies, and skin cream.

Choose butter with a low water content if possible.
Because there is always water in butter, so do expect that the volume of your final product (cannabutter) is less than the volume of butter you put in.

Note: Most American butter on your grocer’s shelf contains around 80 percent milk fat, which means it’s about 16 to 18 percent water and 1 to 2 percent milk solids other than fat (sometimes referred to as curd). European-style butter has a higher butterfat content; most average around 82 percent, but some tip the scales at 83 or even 84 percent.

Step 2: Cover the beaker with the flat lid and then put the beaker in the machine.

Step 3: Choose the proper Infusion function (CBD or Non-CBD)
If your buds have higher THC than CBD, use the Non-CBD setting.
If your buds have higher CBD than THC or 1:1 CBD/THC, use the CBD setting.

How you when POT starts cooking:
1. The fan: kicks in to keep the machine cool to touch after about 5 minutes.
2. The green ring light: indicates that POT is busy cooking. As long as the green light is on, you know the machine is cooking.

Step 4: Wait till POT is done
How do I know if POT is done:
1. The green light disappears, a while dot light appears.
2. Gentle beeps
3. The fan (sound) stops

Important: The beaker can be very hot right after oil infusion, make sure you only touch the silicone sleeve when you take the beaker out of the machine. Wait till the beaker is cooler, then filter. When the plant material is wet, you might see condensation on the lid, there is nothing to worry about as long as the plant material does not exceed the MAX line on the beaker, the infusion is guaranteed. The space below the max line always has the right temperature, the lid is in contact with the cold air in the room, so it is always a couple of degrees cooler than the space below the MAX line.


Detailed instructions and extra information for getting the last drops of oil out of the beaker:

Note: It doesn’t work with fat that can easily mix with water, such as butter and coconut oil.

After filtration, there are still good oil left in the mixture. This is about getting every drop of oil out of the mixture.

Step 1: Add warm water into the mixture, and stir. Wait for 5 minutes or so, until the oil sits quietly on top of the newly added hot water.

Step 2: Apply the filter system and the glass pipet.

Step 3: Carefully and slowly push down the filter, let the oil travel up via the spout into the glass pipet.

Step 4: Cover the top end of the glass pipet, remove the pipet, then release the oil into your chosen container/bottle.

Step 5: Repeat until you get all the oil out.

Important: Make sure the oil and water separate first. Be slow, and have a piece of kitchen paper next to you, so if you accidentally pushed water into the lower part of the pipet, you can easily let the paper suck the water out.

#POTbyNOIDS #oilinfusion #CBD


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