Growing and Pinching Dahlia

Описание к видео Growing and Pinching Dahlia

I left my dahlia tuber in the ground over winter to save time and effort in digging and dividing and as they start to come up I can see if it worked or if I have a mushy mess. Some have come up much faster than others so its time to start pinching out and thinking about spacing and how to avoid powdery mildew. Stick around until the end to see how the dahlia are doing now.

I'm Pheigi at From The Witch's Garden, a Scottish girl trying to grow cut flowers on my allotment in Kanagawa prefecture in Japan. Remember to subscribe if you want to follow along and see if we actually get any flowers at the end of the season or if it is all a crispy burnt mess.

If you want to see what I do with the flowers I grow check out ‪@fromthewitchsgarden‬ on instagram.

Reviewing last seasons Dahlia:    • Reviewing This Season's Dahlia, Diggi...  

Interplanting Dahlia with Tulip:    • Growing Tulip Interplanted with Dahli...  

Treating Powdery Mildew on Dahlia:    • Treating Powdery Mildew on my Dahlia;...  

Digging and dividing Dahlia:    • Digging up Dahlia From My Cut Flower ...  


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