Why Neonatal Nurse Practitioners Choose Us | Cincinnati Children's

Описание к видео Why Neonatal Nurse Practitioners Choose Us | Cincinnati Children's


Cincinnati Children’s neonatology program is ranked among the best in the nation in the 2022-23 list of Best Children’s Hospitals, published by U.S. News & World Report.

We provide the most advanced care possible for premature and critically ill babies — more than 860 of them every year.

The Newborn Intensive Care Unit or NICU features state-of-the-art equipment and technology in an environment designed around the needs of medically fragile babies.

In this video, two neonatal nurse practitioners explain why they chose to join Cincinnati Children’s.

Shontel Dugar, NNP: "So many things that we think are impossible I'm proven wrong daily in the NICU.

Sally Muskett, NNP: "You you learn something new every single day. And even people who have been here ten, fifteen years still say the same thing."

Shontel: "Yes, there's a lot of struggle, there's a lot of strife. But there's also a lot of accomplishment and success. You're always going to be challenged and you're always going to grow. And I think that's great. So nothing's ever steadfast in the field. I feel very resourced in that we have the supplies that we need, we have the things that we need to take care of our children. But that I, as a human and a person, as a provider, also have like that support in the environment that I work in."

Sally: "We're always trying to be better and not only for the patients and families, but for each other too. Today is a very big day for her. Very big day. There's no one that I rely on more than our advanced practice provider group. Some days I go home and I feel like I have nothing left to give. And then other days I'm like, bursting because we're finally sending a baby home who's been fighting in the NICU for months. We didn't know if he or she would live here. She would live. And they did. And they made it. And it's very rewarding."

Shontel: "I think the only thing I knew about Cincinnati was the show WKRP in Cincinnati before I moved here. The people here are so warm, so welcoming, like even the nurse recruiter. I just felt like. Like we were like family from the beginning."

Sally: "I was a little bit nervous to move here because I came here for the job and hoped that I would like it and found that I actually really love this city. I built like these amazing friendships because we live in such this intimate space together. You get to know each other and you form this bond and trust that I don't think there's an equivalent for."

Shontel: "I think Cincinnati is a hidden little gem. I love living downtown. There's a lot of access to activities here. The arts are very accessible. The summers are rich with programing here. If you're an outdoors person, like the parks are amazing. There's the river. Like there's plenty of things to do."

Sally: "The food here is fantastic. A lot of great restaurants. I was very surprised. The Reds and the Bengals are very big here. And there is the, you know, OTR, Over the Rhine, a one stop shop for pretty much anything. We come here to Findlay Market."

Shontel "My favorite bread place in the market is Blue Oven."

Sally: "Oh, I love the bag lady store. They're like, literally the cutest couple."

Shontel: "To live, truly live in the moments is a gift. It's truly is a work family."

Sally: "Those families, those babies that we take care of like their every day is completely shattered. And the fact that we can do that when the odds are so stacked against us in many, many situations, I think is pretty remarkable."

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