Coffee With The Dean (featuring 2L Elizabeth Monroe)

Описание к видео Coffee With The Dean (featuring 2L Elizabeth Monroe)

Elizabeth D. Monroe (she/they) is a 2L at the University of California, Irvine School of Law where she is a Center on Law, Equality, and Race Scholar. Prior to law school, Elizabeth was a middle school reading and writing teacher in Houston, Texas for several years, and prior to that, she earned her bachelor's degree at Columbia University in the City of New York. This past summer, Elizabeth interned with the ACLU of Southern California’s LGBTQ, Gender & Reproductive Justice Project. With the Project, Elizabeth worked on several matters regarding the rights of queer and trans youth in California's public schools, and she is excited to continue working with the Project into the fall semester. Throughout both her professional and academic careers has been an interest in access, a dedication to community well-being, and a radical commitment to leaving spaces better than they were when she entered. As a 2L, Elizabeth is excited to continue this work as the UCI Law SBA Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, a staff editor for the UCI Law Review, and a research fellow for her 1L legal writing professor.


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